The Holidays Mean Days Off, Family, Fun, and Food!! I do love this time of year. My reasons for loving it have changed over time as I have changed. When I was a little girl, Thanksgiving and Christmas were special because we had less days at school. Honestly, we lived in the country and tromping a half mile or so through thigh-high snow to get to the bus stop was...
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On this particular day of our summer 2015 trip to Nigeria our team found ourselves working hard on renovations to the first MOYA Centre. The vibrant blue African sky above brought to mind a heavenly canopy of protection over us even as the bright sun drenched us in sweat. We were to meet with the Nigerian architect later in the day to plan structural changes to the building and my...
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Below are a handful of pictures from our time visiting Nigeria. We have many more pictures that we are sorting through and hope to put online soon. We are also posting pictures to social media, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up on the latest news!
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When Africa is mentioned in America there are many images that come to mind due to the movies and documentaries on National Geographic. Images of lions, zebras, colorful clothing and grass huts are sure to emerge in your thoughts if you've grown up in America. These images are correct for some areas of Africa, however I'm seeing through another lens after having now visited the people of Nigeria. I've eaten...
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I was nervous. I had encountered Immigration Offices in foreign countries before and been turned away, but this was my first time in Africa. They checked my temperature, and I prayed that my motion-sickness related fever would go away. The lady studying my passport put an Ebola warning sticker on the back cover and waved me on, looking very disinterested in my fidgety self. I smiled thinking that was it!...
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