He Holds the Keys
On this particular day of our summer 2015 trip to Nigeria our team found ourselves working hard on renovations to the first MOYA Centre. The vibrant blue African sky above brought to mind a heavenly canopy of protection over us even as the bright sun drenched us in sweat.
We were to meet with the Nigerian architect later in the day to plan structural changes to the building and my excitement was uncontainable! To the average and even skeptical person, this unattractive concrete building with faded dirty paint and no running water was just an eyesore. No one thought it would be suitable for much of anything.

Taken in the court yard of the first MOYA Centre in Ilesha, Osun State, Nigeria.
To me, though… to me it was everything! I could only see it with the eyes of a dreamer! This room and small area back here, I intended to say to the architect, this is where we will have comfy living quarters for the Head Master. We can turn this room over here into a functioning kitchen where nutritious meals will be prepared for the children. I would ask the architect to follow me through the house and out onto the impractical open front porch. With enthusiasm I would invite him to see with me a warm and welcoming reception area for those first entering the building in its place. There could be a Principal’s office here as well, I’d say with a smile. Larger windows here and here, I’d gesture, to let in the gorgeous sunshine. Bathrooms in a small outlying building for the boys and girls to use, complete with toilets and sinks, just beyond the courtyard!
Ah, yes, the courtyard. I love what we have been already doing in the courtyard. We took the dusty and uneven dirt behind the building and transformed it into a place of life and vitality. After leveling the ground, we planted grass and flowers and trees to give the children an exciting and healthy place to play. I could almost hear their laughter and voices as the earth was moved to sow mango, cashew and orange tree seeds for their food in the years to come.
Midway through the work day we walked outdoors into the corridor overlooking the courtyard. In spite of the heat and the less than pleasant living conditions, our hearts were full. We fell into a lovely time of spontaneous worship, offering up praises to our Father for all we had been given. The ample goodness of God was so evident all around us, it was as if we were breathing in hope and courage with each fill of our lungs. The natural reverb from the bare walls was so sweet. Our voices blended together naturally in a chorus of hearts lifted in thanks to a good, good father. Each of us could feel His smile beaming down on us in the intimacy we shared with our Lord.
As we have learned from stories throughout the Bible, when we draw near to God in intimacy, He draws near to us as well. Out of a place of intimacy oftentimes comes the strength and stamina dreams and desires are fueled by. In Psalms we read of the anguish of a shepherd boy running from an angry man who would see him dead. He had been told that he would be King, that he would lead God’s people. He had been given a dream, but that dream seemed to him to be out of reach as he slept on the floors of caves and scrounged for food. The opposition seemed overwhelmingly powerful at times, causing David often to give in to fear and doubt. David did the only thing he could to combat that despair… he turned to God. Out of that was birthed the man who became King David of Israel, a man after God’s own heart and the one who would restore so much life to God’s children!
I have had those moments, as well, in taking on the creation of this first MOYA Centre. We all have. There are obstacles and naysayers around many corners, just waiting to drag me down out of the clouds and shatter my dreams.
That day as I sat on the wall overlooking the courtyard, the occasional breeze cooling my overheated face, I looked down at the freshly scraped dirt and noticed something staring up at me. It was saying, “Hey, look at me! Pick me up! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”
Isn’t it true, friends, that sometimes God’s promises, dreams, and desires for us are just that; available and waiting for us to look away from the naysayers long enough to see them?
It was an old key, rusty and crusted with dirt, just begging me to pick it up. The Lord spoke to me at that moment and reassured me that He is the owner of all keys. No man can lock a door that He has opened.
He gave us this dream. In fact, I am sure that this is a dream He has had for us for a very, very long time. He filled our hearts with compassion for the countless children that had been thrown away because they were different. He set us on a path that would lead us to finances, buildings, and people who were custom made to fit right into this dream. He sustains us and provides the assurance and confirmation that only He can give. He is completely aware of our weaknesses and distractions, and he isn’t the slightest bit convinced in their longevity!
To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and not denied my name. Revelation 3:7-8
The same God who strengthened David is here to love you into the place where your dreams will be fulfilled. He went to extremes to place that key there for me to find, on the other side of the world, proving to me that He gave me the dream and He will see to it that it is realized. The MOYA Foundation will change the course of events in the lives of His children, just as David did, and bring them into a life of peace and prosperity. My God is mighty and true and able to give me the strength to accomplish any dream I dare to dream!
He’ll do the same for you. Keep believing! Keep making room for the dream He’s given you.
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